Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Time Marches On: year end review

It's New Year's Eve, which seems as good a time as ever to indulge in some optimistic and speculative writing.

2013 has been so full of love and light. Let's talk about the highlights:

  • Bird overcame his acid reflux. Hallelujah, this was a big one for our little family. We have seen his true goofy, caring, happy-go-lucky spirit and personality shine through.
  • Bird started walking right around his birthday - and put a complete end to any worry that he might be behind his peers in any way.
  • Bird found his words, and LOTS of them! My personal favourites are "I love you" and "Hug!" and "Hi, Mama!". And don't forget, "Daddy home!"
  • K. went and returned from a 7 week business trip. This was in no way fun, but I learned a lot about my strength as a person and mother and gained a lot of self-confidence as a parent.
Moving into 2014, I feel optimistic. I've been so incredibly fortunate, and for that I am so grateful. Now it's time to figure out how to give back to the world. My 2014 goal is service.

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